Donate now to Help us educate youth!
When you donate to the Indianapolis Chapter, Tuskegee Airmen. Inc., you support educational programs, local annual book awards and other opportunities to increase the education of our youth.

The Breakdown: Class
of 2023 Stats
By Randy Roughton
U.S. Air Force Academy Strategic Communications
U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. – More than 900 Air Force and Space Force cadets graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in a ceremony at Falcon Stadium June 1.
In all, 806 Class of 2023 cadets were commissioned into the Air Force and 93 were commissioned into the Space Force as second lieutenants. Twelve international cadets graduated with their U.S. classmates.
2023 Convention and Annual Business Meeting
“Uniting Our Past and Our Present”
Crown Plaza Hotel
Albuquerque, NM
Aug. 16-20, 2023
2023 Central Region President’s Award Recipient
Indianapolis Chapter Immediate Past President, Reginald DuValle was the recipient of the 2023 Central Region President’s Award.

Pictured L-R: Lt. Col. Reuben Sparks, Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. Central Region President, Mr. Jerry “Hawk” Burton, Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. National President, Four Star Gen. Edward A. Rice, Jr., Indy Chapter President Chris Smith, III.

Pictured: Indy Chapter President Chris Smith, Lt. Col. Alex Carothers, Gen. Lloyd W. “Fig” Newton Chapter President, and Indy Chapter 2nd Vice President Desmond Bunnell. Lt. Bunnell was at Kirtland Air Force Base completing his check ride in the HC-130. Lt. Col. Carothers was his instructor. Second photo: Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. National President Mr. Jerry “Hawk” Burton.
Eagle Rides around Indiana
One of the primary missions of the TAI organization is in:
“Introducing young people across the nation to the world of aviation and science through local and national programs such as Young Eagles and TAI youth programs and activities.”
Youth ages 8 thru 17 can begin their journey with a free airplane ride… but you have to sign up in advance.
Please click here to learn which EAA Young Eagle ride opportunities are close to you.

Flight Training complete!
September 9, 2021 at 5:45pm, Jaiden Hughes successfully completed his basic flight training program with a Check Ride with Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE).
Indianapolis Tuskegee Airmen Chapter members H.E. “Chris” Smith and Reg DuValle congratulate Brebeuf High School Sr. Jaiden Hughes on a job well done as the first Ray Foundation Scholarship recipient through EAA Chapter 1534 in Greenwood Indiana.
Desmond Bunnell
2nd Lt USAF
Desmond has graduated from Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance AFB Oklahoma. Primary Flying Training is designed to teach the basic flying fundamentals necessary to safely operate any U.S. Air Force aircraft and lays the foundation for the advanced phase and for future responsibilities as military officers and leaders.
Indy native, Desmond Bunnell, 2nd Lt, USAFR, in flight school. Lt Bunnell, serves as Second Vice President of the Indianapolis Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen Inc.

Congrats Jaiden Hughes!
Jaiden Hughes is receiving congratulations from Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Murray after successfully completing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Pilot’s Ground School Examination. Jaiden is the most recent recipient of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Ray Foundation Aviation Scholarship for $10,000. Jaiden has already started flight training and is expected to earn his FAA Private Pilot’s License within the next 12 months.
Jaiden Hughes is a student at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory High School, and a member of Light of the World Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) where he attends with his family. The Tuskegee Airmen Inc. (TAI), Indianapolis Chapter has joined in partnership with the EAA to help sponsor students enrolled in the aviation program at the Indy South Greenwood Municipal Airport.
Keeping the tradition alive
The Tuskegee Airmen overcame segregation and prejudice to become one of the most highly respected fighter groups of World War II. They proved conclusively that African Americans could fly and maintain sophisticated combat aircraft. The Tuskegee Airmen’s achievements, together with the men and women who supported them, paved the way for full integration of the U.S. military.
The Indianapolis Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Chapter
The Indianapolis TAI Chapter is but one of over 50 TAI Chapters located throughout the United States that are affiliated with the National TAI non-profit organization that was established in 1972.
The Indianapolis Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Chapter (Indianapolis TAI Chapter) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed and registered in the State of Indiana in 1985.
TAI’s mission is dedicated to the preservation of history regarding African American Veterans who served during World War II. Their actions demonstrated to America that responsible citizenship and high character are the standards for success, not ethic origin.
What we do
Our Mission
Educational Outreach
Introducing young people across the nation to the world of aviation and science through local and national programs.
Youth Aviation
Providing educational assistance to students and awards to deserving individuals, groups, and corporations whose deeds lend support to goals.
TAI supports young men and women pursuing excellence, paying special attention to those interested in careers in aviation, technology, aerospace and the sciences.
Donate now to Help us educate youth!
When you donate to the Indianapolis Chapter, Tuskegee Airmen. Inc., you support educational programs, local annual book awards and other opportunities to increase the education of our youth.